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| Welcome to Rael's Girls
Rael's Girls is an Atheist Based website that seeks to share views of hope by reaching out in a non-judgmental way to those who wish to be a part of the Sex Industry. Our desire is for people to see that you don't need to feel guilty for what lives you choose to lead, No God, No Guilt! We are free to experience adventure, success, pleasure, forgiveness, hope, and peace without the thought of someone judging our choices! Rael's Girls are NOT here to recruit, convert or change anyones beliefs, but to support the choice one has towards working in the SEX Industry and to share their views of Freedom of Sexuality, Spirituality and more!
The human body is perhaps one of the greatest works of art which should be cherished and celebrated. Instead, in this so called ‘enlightened’ 21st Century, women, their bodies, and their fundamental right of expression are still under fire, with sexual liberation being obliterated in the name of “God”. A conscious man or woman who freely chooses sexuality as a career path should be given the same respect and social support as that of any other professional, rather than perpetuating the myth of sexual sin. It is on this premise that many women have indeed been violated, in that sexual suppression and the subsequent denial of sexuality to be part of the fundamental make-up of every human being, has lead to mental imbalances, aggression and acts of violence. While we continue to foster the notions that sex and sexuality are acts only to be shared between marital partners, we continue to suppress mental awareness and growth. In order to move forward we need to dispel these notions of the human body as being a dirty secret, and embrace sensuality and sexuality as a healthy function of humanity, as found in our genetic make-up. Forgiveness and compassion need not be given to those liberated enough to enjoy their sexuality, but to those who continue to suppress and burden society with their archaic values and moral limitations. |